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Academic Faq's

Sometimes, we don’t approve tutor profiles at the first attempt because the profile photo, video or description doesn’t meet our requirements. Make sure you use a real photo of yourself, take the time to record a short video and describe your strengths

Sometimes, we don’t approve tutor profiles at the first attempt because the profile photo, video or description doesn’t meet our requirements. Make sure you use a real photo of yourself, take the time to record a short video and describe your strengths

Sometimes, we don’t approve tutor profiles at the first attempt because the profile photo, video or description doesn’t meet our requirements. Make sure you use a real photo of yourself, take the time to record a short video and describe your strengths

Sometimes, we don’t approve tutor profiles at the first attempt because the profile photo, video or description doesn’t meet our requirements. Make sure you use a real photo of yourself, take the time to record a short video and describe your strengths

Sometimes, we don’t approve tutor profiles at the first attempt because the profile photo, video or description doesn’t meet our requirements. Make sure you use a real photo of yourself, take the time to record a short video and describe your strengths

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